National Council Calendar of Events
Setting the Vision for Transformational ChangeFeb 11 | 2:00 pm (EST)
Organizations can use the CCBHC model to design and implement system level changes to better convey the value proposition of services.
Closing the Gap: Training Your Way Out of the Workforce CrisisFeb 12 | 12:00 pm (EST)
The mental health workforce is facing challenges. Explore innovative strategies to address the mental health workforce crisis head-on.
Supporting African Americans in Treatment and Recovery: Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder (MAUD)Feb 13 | 3:00 pm (EST)
Join us as we discuss medications for alcohol use disorder for the Black/African American community to create greater access to treatment.
Substance Use -
Workforce Solutions Jam: Behavioral Health Workforce 2025Feb 18 | 1:00 pm (EST)
The behavioral health landscape remains complex, with systemic challenges overlapping with workforce needs, technological innovation and shifting policy developments. In this session, behavioral health workforce experts discuss current workforce challenges, emerging solutions and lessons learned for maintaining focus and attention on workforce initiatives throughout policy shifts.
Workforce Solutions Jam -
Primary Screening and Monitoring Resource WebinarFeb 20 | 2:00 pm (EST)
The NTTAC team will host a webinar focused on the critical role of primary care screening and monitoring within CCBHCs. This session will provide an overview of the importance of integrating primary care into behavioral health services, highlighting key elements of CCBHC (criteria 4G) and its associated quality measures. Add…
Advancing Integration: Launching the Comprehensive Health Integration FrameworkFeb 25 | 2:00 pm (EST)
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing’s Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions (CoE-IHS) is excited to launch the groundbreaking Comprehensive Health Integration (CHI) Framework and its suite of resources. The CHI framework guides providers, payers and state systems as they implement scalable bidirectional physical health and behavioral health integration.
Integrated Health CoE Event -
Overcoming Workforce Challenges in Behavioral Health CareFeb 26 | 1:00 pm (EST)
Learn how to tackle workforce challenges and to build a thriving, resilient workforce to support the future of behavioral health care.
March 2025 WHAM TrainingMar 4 | 10:30 am - Mar 5 | 6:30 pm (EST)
WHAM promotes physical and mental health while empowering peer providers to support the whole health of your clients. Use WHAM training to invest in peers as they support recovery across communities.
Leveraging Leadership to Develop and Deliver a Plan for Transformative Care Design and DeliveryMar 11 | 2:00 pm (EST)
Explore leadership elements required to leverage the CCBHC model for effective design and implementation of a transformational plan.
Population-specific Services for Native Spanish SpeakersApr 2 | 3:00 pm (EST)
Over the course of three webinars, the Population-specific Services Learning and Action series will focus on increasing awareness of how specific populations are currently being served in CCBHCs, highlight strategies that support community outreach and engagement, and identify strategies that support care coordination and improve health outcomes. The populations of…
Measure Twice, Cut Once — Using Data to Support Transformational ChangeApr 8 | 2:00 pm (EST)
Explore how research-supported organizational change approaches use data to enhance service transformation, efficiency and effectiveness.
NatCon25May 5 - May 7 (EST)
Don’t miss the biggest event in behavioral health care! Register today to lock in the lowest rate.