CoE-IHS Office Hour: Racial Equity & Social Justice in Integrated Care Settings

Racism and other social and structural injustices create barriers to accessible and equitable care, particularly among historically underserved communities of color.

To reduce barriers to care and better promote wellbeing among communities of color, we must improve awareness and understanding of racial equity and social justice issues, including race, systemic inequities and cultural humility, in the integrated care workforce, to build a system that allows us to create positive change.

Join CoE-IHS and our panel of health equity experts for an office hour session on Tuesday, April 26, 3-4 p.m. ET to learn more and have your questions answered. To kick off this session, authors of the new toolkit, Access for Everyone: A Toolkit for Addressing Health Equity and Racial Justice within Integrated Care Settings, will introduce the final module in the toolkit that specifically explores themes of racial equity and social justice.

Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions

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