Bronze Partner

ZiaPartners is an Arizona-based international behavioral health and health system consulting firm founded in 2001 by Christie A. Cline, MD, MBA, former New Mexico BH Medical Director, and Ken Minkoff, MD, recognized leader in designing and implementing integrated systems and services. ZiaPartners’ mission is to “Change the World” of service delivery so that systems, organizations, and programs are organized, at every level within every available resource, to welcome the needs and inspire the hopes of individuals and families with mental health, substance use, health, and cognitive challenges as well as complex human service needs of all types. ZiaPartners works with systems, provider networks, provider associations, and providers of all types and all levels of complexity, to engage in transformative change within a data-driven performance improvement framework. Projects range from small targeted interventions to large system change activities in which all programs and all persons providing care become welcoming, hopeful, strength-based, trauma-informed and co-occurring/complexity capable. ZiaPartners has consulted in over 40 states, 7 Canadian provinces, and 5 states in Australia, among other locations.
National Council members will receive a 10% discount on all consulting services.