Sadie Thompson headshot

Sadie Thompson

Chief Innovation Officer, Wellbeing Initiative, Inc.
Lincoln, NE

Sadie Thompson, CPSS, Chief Innovation Officer of Wellbeing Initiative, Inc., has been working for 17 years in the wellness and recovery fields. She’s taught mindfulness skills and meditation techniques to individuals and agencies for the last 10 years. Her recovery journey led her to co-author the State and Nationally Certified PEERiodical Peer Support Training, The Wellbeing Initiative, Inc. Provider Employee Training Manual, and The Whole Health Employment Support and Training Program. Sadie Thompson has experience in clinical and nonclinical direct behavioral health service delivery, executive leadership, nonprofit development, facilitation of professional education, federal grant management, legislative advocacy, curriculum development, organizational culture assessment, and integration of Recovery Oriented Systems of Care. Her lived experience with mental health, substance use, homelessness, overdose, and suicide fuels her passion to end stigma and support a journey to well-being for everyone. She is passionate about supporting organizations’ transition to true Recovery Oriented Systems of Care that provide strengths-based, low barrier services, and employee satisfaction. She has served on several advisory committees, recovery focused boards, and as Vice President of Consumer affairs for the Nebraska Association for Behavioral Health Organizations. She works to continue supporting participants, individual providers, and healthcare organizations through innovative, inclusive, and wholistic thinking on their journey to whole health wellness.

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