This week, the National Council submitted comments to the Federal Communications Commission in support of the Commission’s unanimous vote to designate 9-8-8 as the three-digit dialing code for a national suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline system. Advocates have an opportunity to submit their own support comments to the FCC before the February 14th deadline.
Read the National Council’s comments here.
- Download this template comment letter outlining the reasons our nation needs an easy-to-remember dialing code for behavioral health crisis services.
- Personalize your comments with information about your community, organization, or personal experiences with suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis services and systems.
- Submit your finalized comments on the FCC Website using this URL: and noting the proceeding filing as 18-336.
The National Council thanks the FCC for allowing concerned citizens, mental health professionals, and crisis service representatives to comment on this critical issue. We know we will not get another opportunity to so dramatically improve the way our country responds to and serves people in emotional and suicidal crisis. We urge our members to take action and help support the designation of the 9-8-8 dialing code to connect the millions of Americans living with mental health conditions and suicidal thoughts with the services they need.
Congressional leaders are taking up legislative efforts in parallel with the FCC’s regulatory processes regarding 9-8-8. Last month, a bipartisan group of legislators wrote to House Committee on Energy and Commerce leaders Chairman Pallone and Ranking Member Walden seeking expedited consideration of legislation to implement the 9-8-8 national suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline. Their letter followed a unanimous vote by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) designating 9-8-8 as the National Suicide Prevention & Mental Health Hotline.
Guest Author
Director, Federal Policy & Advocacy