Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral Treatment

May 10, 2021

Strengthen the quality of your clinical care and prevent the unhealthy consequences of alcohol and drug use among your clients by implementing Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) services. Through our training and coaching, participants learn how to use evidence-based screening tools to determine alcohol and drug use risk levels, respond with a brief intervention and operationalize referral to treatment for adolescents and adults. 

Our consultants can help you refine clinical workflows and advise you on using data collection and measurement to improve and promote your SBIRT services or support clinicians to hone their brief intervention skills. 

The National Council uses a three-phase consultation approach to facilitate clinical and operational change for SBIRT to be a sustainable integrated care service. 

  1. Implementation planning and guidance to build a successful operational and clinical rollout of SBIRT. 
  1. Training to utilize recommended screening tools for an adolescent or adult population, practicing brief interventions and identifying best practices for referral to treatment and ongoing management. 
  1. Implementation coaching to refine workflows and establish a quality improvement plan. 

Related topics can be added, such as Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), Establishing Community Partnerships, Common Substances 101 and Motivational Interviewing. 


Training and consultation can be tailored to meet organizational and client needs. For more information, please contact us



There was a lot of good information, as well as how to make it work within your agency. Made you think about how to insert it into what you’re already doing and not make extra work for someone. 


SBIRT and YSBIRT Overview Flyer

Adult SBIRT Change Package

Improving Adolescent Health SBIRT Change Package

Ready To Take the Next Step?

Contact us to get detailed information about our custom consulting services and pricing.