Trauma-Informed Care Screening and Assessment

As mental health and opioid crises continue to affect communities of all sizes across the nation, it is imperative that organizations embrace new processes for screening and assessment in mental health and substance use care organizations and mobile crisis units. Understanding the prevalence and impact of trauma is a crucial element in improving engagement and mental health and substance use treatment outcomes in every community.

Trauma is universal, but so are healing, growth, resilience and recovery.

Trauma-informed and resilience-oriented (TIRO) screening and assessment measures provide clear guidance for care organizations and mobile crisis units to support not only the individual receiving services but also the staff delivering care – a trauma-informed team is a team who provides better care both to those they serve and to each other. These measures establish service targets and standardize outcome metrics as part of a larger framework, allowing stakeholders to understand the need for care from a TIRO lens.

Trauma-Informed, Resilience-Oriented Staff Training Plan

This Trauma-Informed, Resilience-Oriented Screening and Assessment Training Plan establishes basic trainings that all staff involved in screening and assessment processes need to complete before engaging in the progressive process.