Current and Prospective CCBHCs
Implementation Support

The CCBHC Success Center is the one-stop shop for current and prospective CCBHCs, with support available from the National Council and our network of partners.
CCBHC Expansion grantees can access free training and technical assistance support through the CCBHC-E National TTA Center. The CCBHC-E National TTA Center is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and run by the National Council.
Featured Partners
Peer to Peer Learning
Ask the Expert Events
CCBHC Ask the Expert events facilitate the exchange of knowledge between CCBHCs and other experts through sharing of past experiences, lessons learned and open discussion. Check out upcoming events.
Education on the CCBHC Model
Orientation to the CCBHC Model
- Get a free 30-minute session orient your team to the CCBHC model, hear lessons learned from CCBHCs and understand key factors organizations should consider in determining whether to pursue CCBHC status. Request a free consultation.
- The CCBHC-Expansion Grantee National Training and Technical Assistance Center developed free, open access CCBHC Criteria On-Demand Lessons. This suite of 30-45 minute recordings provide an overview of the CCBHC model and take a deeper dive into CCBHC program requirements.
Receive In-depth Education
- The National Council CCBHC consulting team is available for an extensive educational session and discussion with your executive team and/or board of directors. Our deep-dive includes a thorough explanation of the full CCBHC criteria, detailed discussion of financial opportunities and considerations associated with each CCBHC funding mechanism, an exploration of policy factors contributing to sustainability options in your state and an overview of alternate options (such as partnering with a CCBHC). Request in-depth education.
Support for Prospective CCBHC Partners
- Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), hospitals, schools, criminal justice systems and other partners stand to benefit from working with a CCBHC. What should prospective partners expect, and what best practices have emerged from other states and clinics? Our team can provide one or more training sessions customized to your audience. Request custom training.
Meeting the CCBHC Criteria
CCBHC Criteria Readiness
- Just getting started on your CCBHC journey? The National Council and our partners are here to help. Contact us to get started with a free consultation.
- CCBHC Readiness Assessment: MTM Services will work with your clinic to conduct a comprehensive assessment of your readiness to meet CCBHC criteria, develop a strategic action plan to address gaps and prioritize implementation efforts. Learn more and request support.
Implementing or Expanding Required Services
- Clinics receiving SAMHSA CCBHC grant funding can receive free training and technical assistance on CCBHC implementation through the CCBHC-E National TTA Center. The TTA Center offers a range of group and individual training, consultation and learning programs.
- Filling gaps in your scope of services: Does your clinic have gaps in the comprehensive scope of services required to be a CCBHC? Our consultants can help you implement and launch CCBHC-required services such as integrated health, addiction treatment (including medication-assisted treatment) and peer services as well as adopting care coordination and team-based care approaches. Contact us to get started with a free consultation.
- Taking your primary-behavioral health integration to the next level: The Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions provides free evidence-based resources, tools and support for organizations working to integrate primary and behavioral health care.
- Best practices in peer support: CCBHCs must meet a number of requirements for incorporating peers into service delivery. Some key strategies for successfully integrating peer delivered and CCBHC services can be found in our joint report with NYAPRS and our Living Experience Advisory Council Recommendations Summary. Whether you’re hiring peer support specialists or partnering with a peer-run support organization, make sure you’re setting yourself up for success with the National Council’s Peer Services Organizational Self-assessment, then contact us for a free consultation to discuss your results and identify action items.
- Meeting organizational governance requirements: Do you have a plan for meaningfully incorporating the voices of people with lived experience into your governing board? Contact us for consultation on how to meet this CCBHC requirement.
Staff Training & Evidenced Based Practices
- Implementing evidence-based practices: Our expert consultants can support you in identifying needed service or training enhancements and provide training on a variety of evidence-based practices such as medication-assisted treatment (MAT), motivational interviewing, trauma-informed care, SBIRT and more. Contact us to develop a customized training package.
- Meeting CCBHC staff training requirements: Relias offers a number of courses to help clinics meet staff training requirements such as suicide risk assessment and prevention, cultural competency, and more. Visit the Relias site to view a crosswalk of courses with CCBHC requirements and learn more.
Access to Care Requirements
- GAP Analysis: Can your CCBHC meet or exceed the program’s timeliness of access requirements? The first step to successfully improving access is to understand the current reality of your agency’s systems so that you can address any concerns that exist. Learn more and request support from MTM Services.
- Same-day Access: MTM Services helps providers implement Same Day Access, the gold standard for clinics working to meet CCBHC timely access requirements. Learn how to provide new clients with an assessment, the same day they walk in.
- Just-in-Time Prescriber Scheduling: MTM Services helps CCBHCs further reduce wait times for access by moving a consumer from diagnostic assessment to psychiatric evaluation within three-to-five days, increase engagement and reduce no shows/cancellations. Learn more and request support.
Managing Partnerships
- CCBHC Partnerships Toolkits: The CCBHC model requires strong relationships with other providers and social service agencies in the community, through Designated Collaborating Organization (DCO) and care coordination relationships. Learn more about these relationships and how to establish them through our comprehensive contracting and community partnerships toolkits:
- CCBHC Contracting and Partnerships Toolkit – Demonstration Participant Edition. This version is intended for CCBHCs participating in the Medicaid Demonstration Program.
- CCBHC Contracting and Partnerships Toolkit – CCBHC Expansion Grantee Edition. This version is intended for CCBHCs receiving SAMHSA CCBHC expansion grant funding.
- Looking for additional support in drafting contacts and agreements? Our partners at Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell can help. Request support.
Leveraging Telehealth
- Best Practices: CCBHCs are using telehealth to fill staffing gaps, expand service hours, and reach consumers in rural and frontier areas. Learn how one CCBHC used telehealth to obtain a remote medical director, then view this tip sheet from innovaTel on best practices for clinicians initiating telehealth for the first time. Relias and innovaTel hosted a recent webinar providing a deeper dive into best practices in telehealth.
- Learn more about how CCBHCs are leveraging telehealth to expand access to care from innovaTel and see how one CCBHC has expanded its staff and service array in partnership with Innovatel. View the Case Study.
Workforce and Medical Director
- Looking for More Providers? innovaTel Telepsychiatry has qualified psychiatrists, PMHNPs & LCSWs with experience working with SMI and co-occurring patient populations. They also have options for Remote Medical Directors starting as low as 4 hours per week.These are providers that your team would interview and choose, and they work with your patients as part of your team. Learn more.
Data Management, Reporting and Clinical Decision-Making
Driving Change Through Data Analysis
- SPQM Quality Data Management: SPQM is a state-of-the-art web-based analytical and management tool that measures the effectiveness of management and clinical practices. MTM Services can help your clinic turn service encounter data into actionable information to make more objective clinical care decisions, manage operations, develop continuous improvement strategies, demonstrate outcomes and track CCBHC quality measures. Request support.
Leveraging Data for Population Health Management
- Using population-level data helps identify broad trends and prompts thinking around how your practice can improve patient experience and health outcomes and reduce costs. Our expert consultants can support you in identifying and implementing approaches to risk stratification and population health management. Contact us for help.
Making Your IT and EHR Work for You as a CCBHC
- Are your IT and electronic health records (EHR) systems ready to help you meet CCBHC requirements? This assessment and consulting from MTM Services will help determine your organization’s place on the technology spectrum, identify areas of concern and develop solutions for areas of risk. Learn more and request support.
CCBHC Data Collaborative
- Netsmart and the National Council have a strategic partnership to enhance care coordination and population health management for CCBHCs. Learn more.
Finances and Sustainability
Understanding Prospective Payment
- PPS Overview: CCBHCs in demonstration states benefit from a PPS – a Medicaid payment methodology that allows providers to be reimbursed based on the anticipated costs of offering CCBHC services. Learn more about PPS.
- Advanced PPS Support: Looking for support in developing your PPS rate, implementing financial monitoring protocols in a prospective payment environment or understanding the compliance implications of the CCBHC PPS? Contact us for help.
Planning for Sustainability
- Building your Value Proposition: Having a clear understanding and ability to articulate the value that you bring as a CCBHC is essential to positioning your organization for sustainable funding. Check out our Value Proposition Guide to support developing and marketing your value proposition.
- Value-based Administrative Readiness Assessment Tool (VBART): MTM Services offers a self-assessment tool and consulting designed to support the core values” needed to successfully participate in a value-based alternative payment model. Learn more and request support.
- Build Support in Your State: Sustainability outside of grant funding requires understanding the alternate payment environment and opportunities for transition. Connect with one of our experts to receive consultation on sustainability planning and how you can work with policymakers, managed care or other stakeholders/advocates to expand and sustain the CCBHC model in your state.
Communicating Your Work and Value
- Clearly articulating for the value you bring as a CCBHC is essential to positioning yourself for long-term sustainability – whether that is through policy advocacy or exploration of value-based arrangements with managed care organizations and other payers. The National Council has provided a press toolkit for CCBHCs with a template press release, media pitch, and social media to share. Other communication materials and support can be provided; contact us to request support.
- The CCBHC Communications Toolkit is a compendium of resources CCBHCs can use to promote education, awareness and buy-in on the model internally and externally.
Understanding Your Costs as a CCBHC
- Understanding total costs for your organization’s current and anticipated CCBHC activities is just as critical for CCBHC Expansion Grantees as it is for CCBHCs transitioning to a prospective payment model. MTM Services can help your organizations compile and assess reliable cost data to plan financially to participate in the CCBHC program. Learn more and request support.